Sunday, February 16, 2020

Take home 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Take home 3 - Essay Example Its disadvantage is that it is slow and unstable and exposes vital organs to danger. In this way, the speeds attained by those species with bipedal abilities are far below those attained by the species that essentially use all limbs. Ostriches are among the fastest of bipeds even though their speeds do not compare well with those for quadrupeds.Bipedalism evolved due to the need to to free the hands for using tools as man and other animals evolved. B) When closely studied, the fossils of both Australopithecus anamensis and Australopithecus afarensis show that they were bipedal. In those records, all evidence in their knees, hips and foot morphology points to their having been bipedal.When compared to a modern human foot, the footprints called Laetoli Tracks in Tanzania point to a non-opposable hallux and an arch similar to that of a human being. Another piece of evidence displayed is that of the 7 Ma cranium which has an inferior placement of the foramen magnum which suggested that it was bipedal. The tibia of these species also had right angles between the shaft and the proximal surface which are evidence of bipedalism. These earlier hominids, though, are said to have been in the early stages of bipedalism given that further evidence has pointed to their using all four limbs especially for movement. 2.A) a) Orrorintugenensiswas discovered in Tugen Hills in Kenya in 2000. It is estimated to be between 5.7 to 6.1 million years old. Orrorin was bipedal given that its lesser trochanter protruded medially. From the evidence gathered about this hominid, its primary diet must have consisted of leaves and other forms of vegetation. b) Sahelanthropustchadensiswas discovered in 2001 in the Djurab Desert of Chad and was estimated to be about 7 million years. It was bipedal given that the shape of the anteriorly placed foramen magnum bore signs of bipedalism. More evidence points to it having

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Impacts of technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Impacts of technology - Essay Example The greatest impact of technology can be experienced in the way we communicate. The rise of social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and video blogging sites such as YouTube etc., has made it possible for merging of cultures beyond people from across various continents and enabled a valuable and meaningful exchange of information. It has played a key role in promoting cultural tolerance and greater political participation, empowering the citizens in the process. However despite the varied benefits offered by the information, entertainment and communication technologies, the perils of excessive dependence on such technologies are manifold. One of the greatest challenges faced by users in the digital world includes privacy issues and identity theft. Violation of privacy has been one of the most significant enduring social issues associated with digital and electronic information technologies, globally. The article ‘Is online social club, sharing is the point until it goes too far the authors have highlighted the downside of social networking sites, mostly surrounding privacy issues, mirroring the sentiments of millions of people of this virtual lounge, who feel threatened and vulnerable due to constant threats of being stalked and misuse of their private information (The Washington Post). The key goal of social networking sites is to enable sharing of information and free and faster exchange of information across countries. The paradox however lies in the fact that contrary to the intended benefits of the social media there are increasing reports stating the contrary. The article â€Å"Does the Internet make as lonely?† discusses the potential effects of internet and technology on the society and the manner in which it has managed to alienate people. Social scientists have indicated a drastic rise in reports stating that as more and more